
SQL Server 2000查询n到m条记录

数据库 cdadata 2594℃

SQL Server 2000查询n到m条记录?


(1)select top m * from tablename where id not in (select top n id from tablename)
           select top m * into 临时表(或表变量) from tablename order by columnname — 将top m笔插入
           set rowcount n
           select * from 表变量 order by columnname desc
        select top n * from
       (select top m * from tablename order by columnname) order by columnname desc
        select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename
          select * from #temp where id0 >=n and id0 <= m
        如果你在执行select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename这条语句的时候报错,那是因为你    的 DB中间的select into/bulkcopy属性没有打开要先执行:
exec sp_dboption 你的DB名字,’select into/bulkcopy’,true
          select * from tablename where identity col between n and m

转载请注明:数据分析 » SQL Server 2000查询n到m条记录

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