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例2.9  下面以课本中例8.1的数据为例,给出单因素方差分析的SAS程序。


1 64.6 1 65.3 1 64.8 1 66.0 1 65.8 2 64.5 2 65.3 2 64.6
2 63.7 2 63.9 3 67.8 3 66.3 3 67.1 3 66.8 3 68.5 4 71.8
4 72.1 4 70.0 4 69.1 4 71.0 5 69.2 5 68.2 5 69.8 5 68.3
5 67.5                            


options  linesize=76;

data wheat;

infile  ‘a:2-5data.dat’;

input  strain  hight  @@;


proc  anova;

class  strain;

model  hight=strain;

means  strain / duncan;

means  strain / lsd  cldiff;


在PROC ANOVA过程中的CLASS语句(分类语句)是必须的,而且一定要放在MODEL语句之前。在方差分析中要使用的分类变量(因素),首先要在CLASS语句中说明。分类变量可以是数值型的,也可以是字符型的。MODEL语句用来规定因素对实验结果的效应,一般形式为,因变量=因素效应。本例即为株高=品系效应。


DUNCAN: 对MEANS语句列出的所有主效应均值进行DUNCAN检验。

SNK: 对MEANS语句列出的所有主效应均值进行Student-Newman-Keuls检验。

T | LSD: 对MEANS语句列出的所有主效应均值进行两两t检验,它相当于在样本含          量相同时的LSD检验。

ALPHA=  均值间对比检验的显著水平,缺省值是0.05。当用DUNCAN选项时只能取0.01、0.05和0.10,对于其它选项,α可取0.0001到0.9999之间的任何值。

CLDIFF: 在选项T和LSD时,过程将两个均值之差以置信区间的形式输出。

CLM: 在选项T和LSD时,过程把变量的每一水平均值以置信区间的形式输出。



表 2-13例2.9方差分析输出结果



The SAS System


Analysis of Variance Procedure

Class Level Information


Class Levels Values
STRAIN 5 1 2 3 4 5

Number of observations in data set = 25


The SAS System


Analysis of Variance Procedure


Dependent Variable: HIGHT


    Sum of Mean    
Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
Model 4 131.740000 32.935000 42.28 0.0001
Error 20 15.580000 0.779000    
Corrected Total 24 147.320000      


R-Square C.V. Root MSE HIGHT Mean
0.894244 1.311846 0.88261 67.2800


Source DF Anova SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
STRAIN 4 131.740000 32.935000 42.28 0.0001


The SAS System


Analysis of Variance Procedure


Duncan’s Multiple Range Test for variable: HIGHT


NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate, not

the experimentwise error rate


Alpha= 0.05  df= 20  MSE= 0.779


Number of Means 2 3 4 5
Critical Range 1.164 1.222 1.259 1.285


Means with the same letter are not significantly different.


Duncan Grouping Mean N STRAIN
A 70.8000 5 4
B 68.6000 5 5
C 67.3000 5 3
D 65.3000 5 1
D 64.4000 5 2


The SAS System


Analysis of Variance Procedure


T tests (LSD) for variable: HIGHT


NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not

the experimentwise error rate.


Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 20  MSE= 0.779

Critical Value of T= 2.08596

Least Significant Difference= 1.1644


Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by ‘***’.


Lower Difference Upper    
STRAIN Confidence Between Confidence  
Comparison Limit Means Limit  
4  –  5 1.0356 2.2000 3.3644 ***
4  –  3 2.3356 3.5000 4.6644 ***
4  –  1 4.3356 5.5000 6.6644 ***
4  –  2 5.2356 6.4000 7.5644 ***
5  –  4 -3.3644 -2.2000 -1.0356 ***
5  –  3 0.1356 1.3000 2.4644 ***
5  –  1 2.1356 3.3000 4.4644 ***
5  –  2 3.0356 4.2000 5.3644 ***
3  –  4 -4.6644 -3.5000 -2.3356 ***
3  –  5 -2.4644 -1.3000 -0.1356 ***
3  –  1 0.8356 2.0000 3.1644 ***
3  –  2 1.7356 2.9000 4.0644 ***
1  –  4 -6.6644 -5.5000 -4.3356 ***
1  –  5 -4.4644 -3.3000 -2.1356 ***
1  –  3 -3.1644 -2.0000 -0.8356 ***
1  –  2 -0.2644 0.9000 2.0644  
2  –  4 -7.5644 -6.4000 -5.2356 ***
2  –  5 -5.3644 -4.2000 -3.0356 ***
2  –  3 -4.0644 -2.9000 -1.7356 ***
2  –  1 -2.0644 -0.9000 0.2644  



方差分析应具备三个条件,有时这三个条件并不能够得到满足,这时对原始数据就要进行变换,见课本§ 9.7。对原始数据进行变换,只需加上一个赋值语句即可,可参考配对数据t检验的SAS程序。

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